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of two hearts

An ironic, funny and sometimes sad instructive novel tells about a girl who, through trial and error, is trying to find her only one. The work is literally saturated with fun and sadness, surprise and disappointment, fear and anxiety, joy and anger. In this frank novel, every girl recognizes herself. The novel will bring down on you a flurry of emotions and impressions, and the main character will teach you to love yourself for who you are.

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Atmosphere of comfort

This book is philosophically oriented, which explores what “atmosphere” is. How does this concept combine such characteristics as inspiration and melancholy, sadness and anger, erotica and comfort, love and hate. 

Not too late

The novel wraps you in a warm, soft atmosphere of two lovers who have to go through a difficult path when faced with difficult life situations. Their love goes through many trials, where there is always a last chance to return everything back.

My sweet dream

The book is about a beautiful young woman who struggles to be successful and happy. But all efforts come down to tears at night and loneliness. She succeeds, the whole world is in front of her, but there is no love, which means happiness.


This book is philosophically oriented, which explores what "atmosphere" is. How does this concept combine such characteristics as inspiration and melancholy, sadness and anger, erotica and comfort, love and hate.
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The novel wraps you in a warm, soft atmosphere of two lovers who have to go through a difficult path when faced with difficult life situations. Their love goes through many trials, where there is always a last chance to return everything back.
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The book is about a beautiful young woman who struggles to be successful and happy. But all efforts come down to tears at night and loneliness. She succeeds, the whole world is in front of her, but there is no love.
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An ironic, funny and sometimes sad instructive novel tells about a girl who, through trial and error, is trying to find her only one. The work is literally saturated with fun and sadness, surprise and disappointment, fear and anxiety, joy and anger.
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Vivamus a dui condimentum, efficitur felis ac, tincidunt elit. Donec mattis dolor consectetur, laoreet ante sed, interdum mi. Sed sit amet lacus sagittis, imperdiet est eu, ultricies risus. Ut a magna nibh. Nunc aliquam, velit vel pretium mattis, tortor est iaculis turpis, quis porttitor ipsum erat non magna. In sollicitudin varius volutpat. Nam libero dui, dignissim vel nunc vitae, commodo aliquam orci. Morbi eget erat odio. Aenean porta nisi vel commodo luctus. In scelerisque molestie nibh, eget laoreet elit molestie tempus. Ut gravida rhoncus nulla, in lobortis ipsum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;

Morbi pretium posuere tempor. Mauris ac suscipit sapien. Cras at velit eu ex pellentesque venenatis. Etiam at mauris ut ex dictum dignissim a id orci. Nunc ac neque eu urna faucibus bibendum vel quis libero. Donec ut eros quis augue rhoncus feugiat sit amet eu nisl. Aliquam tellus lorem, hendrerit eget mi ut, porttitor pharetra purus. Nunc tellus erat, consequat et orci vitae, ultrices fermentum mauris. Nullam in rhoncus est. Phasellus diam odio, luctus vitae ullamcorper non, dignissim at ante. Phasellus fermentum odio est, nec condimentum lorem ornare a. Cras sagittis scelerisque finibus. Etiam et viverra sapien, vitae feugiat dui. Nulla facilisi.

Vestibulum at condimentum lacus. Aenean gravida tempus dolor ullamcorper posuere. Maecenas maximus sem orci, vitae ultricies ex volutpat nec. Donec mattis non mi eu accumsan. Aenean ut mauris lacus. Morbi vitae turpis a dui interdum facilisis sit amet et quam. Mauris a augue vel metus tristique convallis in a quam. Duis a ligula augue. Ut non dolor eget mi posuere finibus. Duis placerat velit non augue pharetra, id mattis ex euismod. Morbi molestie mauris tempus velit convallis, eu congue velit tempus. Phasellus nibh lectus, iaculis sit amet nibh ut, placerat sagittis urna. Praesent et nunc a nulla bibendum scelerisque. Fusce metus orci, dapibus at ultricies id, gravida quis arcu. Vivamus laoreet nunc nec imperdiet gravida. Nam sollicitudin enim ligula, vitae semper nulla sodales a.

Kristina Collins
Kristina Collins
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Loved the style of Sophia Jones. Heartfelt, candid and easy-to-read books. Thanks a lot! Looking forward to new arrivals!
Beverly King
Beverly King
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Thanks to the book on family psychology, I get to know the nature of women better and it becomes easier for me to communicate. Thank you!
Irina Clark
Irina Clark
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Books are awesome! Sophia is an excellent psychologist, in her books I found a way to solve my problems! Thank you!
Beverly King
Beverly King
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Thanks to the book on family psychology, I get to know the nature of women better and it becomes easier for me to communicate. Thank you!
Beverly King
Beverly King
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Thanks to the book on family psychology, I get to know the nature of women better and it becomes easier for me to communicate. Thank you!


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