My younger friend

Dogs are amazingly loyal and friendly creatures. They save people, protect our homes, borders and important facilities, help people with disabilities. Their heroism is often the basis of many films and books.
They are good at remembering faces and always recognize the face of their family member. They also think about games, about food, but still their main thoughts are devoted to the person and their flock. They experience the full range of “natural emotions”: fear, pain, joy, affection, boredom, love. The latter, of course, refers to the hosts.
Pellentesque eleifend enim id urna dapibus, eget efficitur purus dapibus. Donec turpis ante, rhoncus in sem tempus, dapibus maximus magna. Donec sed felis eu lectus elementum finibus. Nunc vitae molestie nulla. Donec consectetur faucibus mi eu congue. Etiam dignissim mi a leo sollicitudin aliquam ut ac enim. Proin aliquet placerat tristique. Nam lorem dui, finibus a diam a, vulputate mollis lacus. Nulla ex felis, tempor sed pretium eget, euismod et velit. Sed dignissim neque enim. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean hendrerit leo id velit scelerisque, nec dignissim justo molestie. Aenean tellus ex, gravida vel dolor in, placerat pretium nisi. Aliquam non porta arcu, quis aliquet nibh.

Sed suscipit tellus nec turpis sagittis volutpat. Aliquam lacinia tortor nec urna vehicula efficitur. Mauris magna lorem, imperdiet eu rutrum vitae, luctus ut tortor. Cras congue posuere augue, sed pulvinar velit pharetra nec. Praesent euismod rhoncus leo, a auctor nibh iaculis et. Aliquam at massa ullamcorper, porta ligula at, rhoncus odio. Aenean vitae tortor eget nunc eleifend ultricies. Integer arcu leo, commodo sit amet nisl eleifend, ultrices convallis quam. Quisque ut posuere dui. Quisque pharetra cursus sem, a laoreet risus consequat nec. Donec felis eros, ultrices in libero a, dapibus dapibus nisi. In et vestibulum est.


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Kristina Collins
Kristina Collins
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Loved the style of Sophia Jones. Heartfelt, candid and easy-to-read books. Thanks a lot! Looking forward to new arrivals!
Irina Clark
Irina Clark
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Books are awesome! Sophia is an excellent psychologist, in her books I found a way to solve my problems! Thank you!
Beverly King
Beverly King
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Thanks to the book on family psychology, I get to know the nature of women better and it becomes easier for me to communicate. Thank you!
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